Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Greetings from the Big Easy!

Hello, my friends in the Blogosphere!!

So, here I am almost 4 years down the road from the last time I attempted to create a blog, and I truly feel like I am better prepared for it now than I was then. After what was maybe a meager attempt at two or three posts on my original blog, I decided to stop attempting to make something out of nothing when I was still trying to find who I was and what I loved as an individual. I began to follow and read blogs by some of my (now) favorite bloggers, and I was encouraged to believe that at this point in my life, I may just be ready to do this.

A lot has changed in four years. I am still a Mississippi Magnolia that has been transplanted into the easy-livin city of New Orleans by my Prince Charming. When I first came to New Orleans, I was very young, just starting out on my own as a married woman, and trying to settle into being a grown-up after graduating from college. These days, I am settled into all of those roles and preparing to take on a new one: MOMMY.

Over the years, my sense of who I am and what I love has developed into a beautiful mish-mash of all of my favorite things. I love to cook and am a member of a cook club that meets once a month to share a terrific meal; I received my first sewing machine for Christmas and am learning, mostly on my own, to create beautiful things with my own two hands; and I have become quite crafty and thrifty while trying to decorate my home.

My initial plans for this blog are to share my adventures, triumphs, and failures in all of these things with you. My hope in having this blog is not only to share all of these things that I love so much with anyone who also loves them, but to connect to people all over who want to share their loves and passions with me. I hope that people will find this blog to be a place of inspiration, encouragement, honesty, and sincerity. I am so looking forward to starting my blog experience and sharing in all of these happy, exciting, and wonderfully new experiences with all of you!

Y'all come back now, ya hear? ;)


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