Thursday, January 16, 2014

Letters to Eli #2

My dear little baby boy,

Today is your two month birthday, and my how you are growing. We took your two month picture tonight and put it next to your one month picture on the computer. It is amazing how much you have changed in just one month! I will add more after your two month check up in a couple of weeks.

I guess today you are technically two and a half months old. We went for your two  month check up, and you are thriving. You weigh 4 lbs 7 oz now, and you are absolutely beautiful! You had two shots that nearly broke mommy's heart, but you were very brave. You stopped crying pretty quick, and mommy did her best to try to comfort you.

You never cease to amaze me. You are starting to really see and play with your hands. We lay you on your playmat, and you love to swat at the toys that hang around you. You are particularly fond of the zebra. I think it is the high contrast stripes. You hold up your head more and more now. You love to look around at everything around you, and you love for mommy to rock you to bed at night.

I have been back at work for two weeks now, and I think we are doing well with it. You stay home almost everyday with someone from the family, and when you do go to daycare, you are at daddy's work. I know you are safe, well taken care of, and being loved. It helps, but it doesn't completely take away the ache of not getting to be with you. It also helps me to remember that I am not going to work and leaving you everyday because I value my job over you or care more about my career than you, but I go to work every day to provide for you. I work FOR you and your well-being. I work so you can have the things you need, and maybe someday have some of the things you want.

I still pray for you often, and my heart prays for you constantly. The prayer remains the same. I pray for God to call you to him, for him to watch over you and bless you, for him to be preparing a path for you that is rich with people who love Him and love you. You are such a bright spot of light in my life, and I cannot imagine a day without you in it! I love you more with each passing day, and I cannot wait to continue this journey of parenting with you, my son.

Love you,


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