Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nesting Part 1: The Dining Room

I am so excited to share with you what we did with our dining room this past weekend! I think my nesting instincts are starting to kick in, and since I cannot work on a nursery yet because we have to wait for the floors to be changed out (which should be happening next week...yay!), I have resorted to fixing up other parts of the house.
Our home has been a labor of love. Prince Charming and I were married only six months when we purchased our first place in late spring 2008. It was a foreclosed house, and it needed a lot of work. (I will have to do a post showing you some before and after photos, although it won't be as effective to the real thing without a scratch and sniff ability for the before photos!) Prince Charming's family, thankfully, is in a sect of construction, and we were able to do a lot of the work ourselves. Nine months after demo, and we had a beautiful, practically new home to move into in one of our favorite neighborhoods.
Being as how we were newlyweds, and I had not yet started working, our budget didn't allow us to complete every task we wanted to right away. For example, our curtains throughout the house and built-ins we put in the living room were just installed this past year. We also relied on some family hand-me-down furniture pieces to help fill up our space and make it functional. One such piece was a really nice, hardwood dining room table and chairs from one of Prince Charming's uncles. It worked great for our needs up until we found out a baby was on the way.
Now that we are planning for a bambino in the house, we have had to reevaluate our use of space and the functionality of each room. We are only 3 MONTHS away from our little arrival (at the most), and I am starting to want to see the house transform into a baby friendly home. One way we are doing this is turning part of our large dining room into a "play area" for baby to use and grow into for years to come. In order to do this, we had to figure out a way to reduce the size of our dining space to make the room function in two separate ways. This brings me to our Saturday shopping trip.
This past Saturday evening, we decided to go to Rooms-To-Go to look for a small dresser to use in the nursery. The only piece of furniture we have ordered so far for the baby's room is the crib, so we have been on the prowl for a great dresser and comfy rocker. Anyway, as we were walking around, not really seeing much by way of dressers, we found a really cute bar-height dining table with six chairs and a sidebar for sale. And this wasn't just any sale, it was a floor-model sale, so the price was AWESOME! It isn't everyday that you find a table, six chairs, and a sidebar for quite a chunk less than $1,000. The store was closing in less than an hour, so Prince Charming and I decided to go home to measure the space and think about it.
Once home, we realized the dimensions of the table would work perfectly for what we were hoping to accomplish in our dining room space, and our existing bar stools could work as additional seating if the occassion ever called for it. I loved the finish of the table, and Prince Charming loved that the chairs were easily wipeable for future messes. We decided to go back and get it first thing the next morning. Two trips to the store later, and we had our new furniture!
It works so great in our space, and it totally matches our style asthetic. We added an area rug we found at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and some accessories we picked up at TJ Maxx. I am so pleased with how it turned out, and Prince Charming even did his sermon prep for this past Sunday's service at the new table. (You can see the old set in the background.)

I love shopping in the TJ Maxx home section for accessories, whether they are everyday pieces or holiday decorations. I think the accessories I ended up with are just perfect for the dimensions of our sidebar and the style of our home; and the extra storage the piece provides is awesome!

We still have a little ways to go with getting our house prepared for our bundle of joy, but this definitely helped us feel one big step closer to our goals for our home. Our new living room sofas have been ordered, and we will be emptying our bedrooms for the new floor installation this week. The dining room will eventually continue its transformation into a dual-purpose dining/play room, and I can't wait to share the process with you.

All of the buzz and activity going on around the house are making me even more excited for the baby to come. I hope you love the space as much as we do, and I hope to see you back here for a visit soon!

Y'all Come Back Now, Ya Hear!

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