Sunday, October 20, 2013

Baby Muller's Nursery

Hello, Blogosphere friends!
I am super psyched to make these nursery posts. The countdown to Baby Muller's arrival is within a week and half away (AT MOST), and the preparation for his or her arrival has been so much fun! Designing a gender neutral nursery was a little bit challenging, but it was a labor of love. I am so pleased with how it turned out. It's funny how even the little things with a baby, like preparing a nursery, can remind us of God's grace and goodness. As we have worked, we have been reminded of Jesus's promise that He "goes to prepare a place for you." What a wonderful promise! We have tried to think of all of the ways we can provide for our little one's needs and make him or her comfortable and much more the Creator will prepare a place for us with Him and with the Father in Heaven. Amazing!
So, below are the pictures of how our little one's nursery turned out! Like I said, we are really happy with it. It is cozy and warm; it is gender neutral but still chic and NOT a plethora of yellow or green (not that there is anything wrong with that if it is what you are into). Without further is a tour of our sweet blessing's nursery. I hope it inspires and helps you as you prepare for your little ones, too. :)

Here is the first view of the room, pretty much from the door. The linens for the crib bedding, baby blanket, changing pad, and curtains all came from Carousel Designs. I made a post a few months ago about working with their website here. I was so pleased with their selection of gender neutral fabrics and prints. The fabric was the first thing we picked to go into the room, and everything else fell into place around that. Prince Charming chose the paint color of the room. I wasn't planning on painting, but I came in one day and PC had samples on the walls of the room. (I think he is nesting as much as or more than I am.) I let him choose, and he went with this slightly bluish gray called Pebble Beach. (No reference to golf or anything...;) The lamp is from Target and has a foot switch instead of a hand switch. I think this will come in super handy when my arms are full of sweet baby, and I need to operate the light. The large frame on the wall is from Hobby Lobby. I filled it with a piece of chevron fabric and put a Beatles lyric decal over the top of the glass that I found at Amazon. The dresser is from Babies R Us, and I created the changing pad from the fabric I ordered from Carousel Designs to make the baby blanket on the glider.

The rug was chosen by Prince Charming as well, and we went through quite a process finding and selecting a final rug. We tried four different rugs in the room. The other three had prints on them, and each of them seemed to compete too much with the print in the crib bedding. The shadow box on the wall will eventually house Baby Muller's little hospital pieces: hat, bracelet, footprints, etc. The diaper bin on top of the dresser has the middle of the night diapers in it that our friends wrote really funny, sweet, encouraging messages on at our Bunco Diaper Derby. The bin is from TJ Maxx.

The crib corner has turned into a really sweet spot. The leaning, ladder style shelf is our newest addition to the nursery, and it is going to house our AngelCare Monitor, our humidifier, and our baby's sound machine bear. The canvases on the wall were inspired by a print I saw on Pinterest, and I free-hand drew and painted those myself.  The crib is from Babies R Us.
The other wall next to the crib has a couple of frames given to me by the baby's Bella at a shower, and they each house some really cute prints featuring lyrics from Beatles songs, "Here Comes the Sun" and "Good Night, Sleep Tight." I love the Beatles; I had to start the baby off right. :)

Our glider was gifted to us from the baby's great-grandmother, SugarPie, and it is where I keep the baby blanket I created for the bambino(a) darling with the bedding and minky fabric I ordered from Carousel Designs. It is so comfortable, and it reclines all the way back, which will be amazing if I decide to ever crash in the baby's room. What's super cool about it: the handle to operate the reclining function is in between the cushion and the arm. Two reasons this is super cool: it allows me to keep my hands/arms close when operating it without leaning over or having to let go of baby totally, and it keeps the chair looking compact and sleek without a clunky arm on the side. I love this piece in the room!

Here is a closer look at the crib bedding. It was all custom designed using Carousel Design's online design tool, and I was able to pick every detail of how it was made. I think it turned out really sweet!
One thing about the bedding you can't see: I actually have two waterproof pads and two sheets layered on the mattress. I figure this will come in very handy if mischka has any accidental messes in the middle of the night. A quick strip, and a new sheet will be ready to go without me having to fumble in the dark to make the bedding work. The bumpers are beautiful, and I think once baby can roll around enough to get into them, they will be temporarily removed and replaced by mesh bumpers, but for now, I love them.
Final bit of wall in the room has turned into really cute storage, and quite unexpectedly so. We got the cute little chest from Babies R Us, and it houses extra bedding and blankets for our little one. I decided to use this area to display the really cute, sweet stuffed animals we received for the baby.

This shelf was a random find when we were visiting my sister in Mississippi. It was something she had laying around and was about to send it to a garage sale when I spotted it and asked for it. I love the distressed finish, and the scale was perfect for this spot on the wall. I love having the little hooks to hang baby's current bath towel and baby blankets. One of the Sophie's we received sits up here and this amazing frame with Baby Muller's sonogram in it. Hopefully, we will be good at filling up the 1st year frame with plenty of baby pics...we will see how that goes! :)

So that is everything (I think) for Baby Muller's nursery. I hope you like it as much as we love it! Please feel free to leave comments or questions if you want to know more about any of the pieces you have seen, and I will be making a post about my DIYs with links to their tutorials very soon. I hope you have a beautiful day!

Be a blessing!

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  1. Supet cute and chic certainly have a knack. I've been enjoying your blog. -kendra

  2. Thank you, Kendra! It has been a joy to document so many thoughts and feelings and so much work and excitement through this avenue. I am glad you are enjoying it!
