Monday, January 6, 2014

Newborn-3 Months Old Diaper Bag Essentials

Hello, Blogging Friends!

I hope this post finds you well and that you have thoroughly enjoyed your holiday season thus far. :) I am soaking in every moment of being a mommy, and I cannot wait to share my experiences with you. Eli keeps me quite on my toes, so it has been hard to blog as frequently as normal. I will do my best to continue making posts that are helpful and informative in addition to my own personal posts loaded with baby pictures.

One of the last things I researched before Eli arrived was what to pack in a diaper bag. I found several helpful posts and prepacked his diaper bags using the information I discovered. As the weeks with him have progressed, I have found a diaper bag packing formula that works for least during these early months when having things like toys and teething items are unnecessary. Below is my list of diaper bag necessities with links to the products I love for each. I hope you find this useful!

I have found that I use mainly two diaper bags. I keep one large diaper bag by Skip Hop packed for long outings, and I also have a small Vera Bradley tote that I pack for quick trips to the grocery store or pharmacy. In addition, I keep a Thirty-One Organizing Utility Tote in my car with diaper bag essentials in it in case I ever get stuck out without something I need. Just make sure that as your baby moves up in diaper sizes you change out the diapers in your car stash accordingly! :)

1) Diapers and Wipes- A good rule of thumb is to pack one diaper for every hour you plan to be out plus one.

2) Extra Outfit(s)- at least one, depending on how long you will be out. (At our family Thanksgiving lunch, Eli went through three changes thanks to blowouts.)

3) Burp Cloth- I am partial to the size 2 cloth diapers by OsoCozy for this function. They are nice and big and super absorbent.

4) Nursing Cover- If you are breast feeding, this is essential. I included one in each diaper bag, and they are the ones I made in my Nursing Cover tutorial. I also highly recommend packing an Aden and Anais muslin blanket to pull double duty as a nursing cover or a baby blanket.

5) Nursing Pads and Lanolin- I keep a tube of Lanolin and about 4 pads in my bag at any given time. I prefer the Avent nursing pads. I found that the Lanolin nursing pads made my skin itch.

6) Pacifier- I waited til Eli was two weeks old to introduce a paci, but now I keep one on hand for tired in the car crying, hungry and unable to feed crying, or gas pain crying. You really have to figure out what style of pacifier your baby likes, and those likes may change as he or she grows. Eli takes the flatter Avent pacis most of the time, but he has also liked his Wubbanub pacis, too.

7) Small Flannel Receiving Blankets- These are easy to pack and have come in handy for a quick lay and play palette, a soft place for a head on a changing pad, and a make-shift burp cloth.

8) Changing Pad- Most diaper bags come with a small, thin changing pad. I also was gifted a couple that I keep in my diaper bags. In my big bag, I keep this one from Skip Hop. What is great about these is that if you are out and about all day running errands and bring your large diaper bag, you can only bring this changing station into stores with you as needed to avoid having to tote the whole bag around.

That is my list of newborn to infant diaper bag necessities. These are the things that I have found are good to keep on hand. Feel free to leave a comment about what you love to have in your baby's diaper bag!

In Christ Alone,

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  1. This is really a good post. I love how the things here are organized! I find it hard to think of things to place in my diaper bag when we go for a walk or visit my parents. The result is messy, and it’s uncomfortable for the baby.
    Baby cloth diapers

    1. Thanks, Patria! Sorry I didn't reply sooner; my blog template had a glitch. I am so glad you found the post helpful, and I hope you are enjoying your little one! I hope to do an updated diaper bag soon. Thanks for stopping by!
